Successfully Integrating SEO Tasks

Successfully Integrating SEO Tasks Across the Different Departments of Your Business

For most businesses, the integration of SEO tasks across departments or outsourcing them is already sufficient. But if your company is huge, you may need independent teams to work on more complex SEO needs.

Small or Medium Businesses

If your business is just the right size, you can hire one agency or consultant, like King Kong, who specialise in all aspects of SEO. This is more practical than creating independent departments to work on different functions.

You may even consider a team to be responsible for the different tasks of your business. Hiring content creators to do the blogging, keyword search, and on-page SEO will surely work well for you. Hiring a tech-savvy team member can also help in managing the website optimisation and technical SEO.

Large Businesses or Growing Companies

It is inevitable that a thriving business will expand and may need more resources to progress. Thus, as your business expands, you may create focused teams or departments to make it more feasible. You can create a content team composed of writers, editors, and designers to create blogs, videos, and visuals to develop SEO content.

You may also build a technical SEO team of developers to make sure that your website will run smoothly, mobile-friendly, and align with SEO standards. The analytics team will also monitor the performance metrics and refine the strategies on the basis of data. Lastly, your team will not be complete without a link-building team that is dedicated to build high-quality backlinks and manage partnerships.

Considering Independent Departments

When you consider this option, you will need a higher investment in terms of staffing, training, and tools. So, you are going to need a budget specifically for establishing independent departments. However, it can also provide focused expertise and a structured workflow, particularly for larger businesses.

Your departments can work together in doing collaborative planning. The strategy team can align keyword research with business goals, then share findings with the content and technical teams. The content creators can also produce targeted material, while the technical specialists will optimise website performance. On the other hand, the analytics teams will provide data-driven feedback so that adjustments can be made by other departments for continuous improvement.

Overall, this setup can help your business gain specialisation because each department will focus on its core tasks, improving the quality and efficiency. Moreover, this structure can handle increasing demands as your business grows. Likewise, the clear roles and responsibilities will reduce confusion and overlap by the end of the day.

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